
I’m a 19 year old, 2nd year university student with big ambitions. I aim to finish my degree and go travelling to my top destinations I’ve always dreamed of going too. 

I have recently started yoga and meditation and my journey of finding my self. I am learning a whole new out look to life and viewing things differently and hopefully this blog will follow my footsteps and my findings! 

Starting my weight loss journey through walking is one of the best things I have done, I am so privileged to have  the beauty of the mountains right on my door step. 

My family means everything to me. I am eternally blessed to have the parents that I do, no words would ever describe what they mean to me and how much they have done for me. My family is a big one, and I love them all individually. I’m certain this blog will, from time to time involve my family. 

“If you ever find yourself empty from some thing you cannot know or name, find a stretch of ocean, a field or mountainside, or even clouds or trees. Because there are 1000 simple ways to fill your tired soul so you can remember how to be, how to see and most importantly how to breathe” – Victoria Errickson

Hollie Florence 🌞

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